Echoes of the past, each vintage wine tells the story of a singular year—a unique distillation of time, place, and terroir, never to be repeated.
Exceptionally dry. Following two very dry years, this third year has been the driest, and with the lowest yield in our history. The vines however are intelligent, and have adapted to the hydric stress producing very small, healthy, and high-quality grapes.
After a very mild and dry winter, spring began cool, dry, and with fluctuating temperatures and timely rain during bud-burst and late May. Summer was extremely hot and dry, resulting in the earliest and scarcest harvest on record, producing very small grapes with excellent health and, as always, harvested by hand.
Winter characterised by storms and low temperatures followed by more temperate periods. After a relatively cool and dry spring, June saw warm weather and much-needed rain. Summer was hot, with adequate rain early in September. The subsequent slow ripening of the grapes led to a very high-quality harvest.
Very mild and dry winter. Spring typically cool with some well-distributed rainfall and a favourable wind pattern. Very hot summer but with an ideal local rainfall before the harvest. A small but very healthy and high-quality crop.
Winter is very mild and dry. Spring is usually cool with some well-distributed rain and favourable wind conditions. Summer is very hot but with an ideal local rainfall before the harvest. Harvest is sparse but very healthy and of great quality. The grapes are, as always, hand-picked.
Generally, a very cool year, commencing with a moderately cold and wet winter, followed by an exceptionally humid spring, demanding a lot of care and attention in the vineyards. A mild and benign summer led to the slow, gentle maturation of the berries, resulting in a later harvest and our usual strict selection and handpicking of only the highest quality grapes.
Winter was short but with very necessary rainfall. A mild start to spring brought early budding, scarce rain and also a frost that fortunately did not affect the grapes. A hot start to summer followed by fortunate local rainfall before the harvest. An early harvest with small grapes albeit very healthy and of great quality.
A very unique vintage, marked by an exceptionally dry winter. There was light rain during the spring and a very adequate amount of rain before the harvest, helping the later varieties to ripen well. The harvest was of small grapes with a good concentration of constituents and optimum health.
A short winter and spring with high temperatures and little rain ended with a warm and dry May. Summer began with some timely rain in June, but with a hot July and a temperate August, all leading to an advanced and rather scarce harvest, but of typically great quality.
Winter and spring without much rain gave way to a summer characterised by high rainfall, especially significant in July, but also by exceptionally low temperatures that contributed to the development of adequate ripening of the grapes. The harvest was rather scarce.
Particularly fresh vintage. A cold and rainy winter and spring required more intense attention to the vineyard. Summer with mild temperatures and some rain delayed the harvest. Dry and sunny September, with great thermal contrast between the days and the nights favouring a slow, healthy and good ripening of the grapes.
A very unique vintage, exceptionally dry. Winter without rain and with irregular temperatures. Some days were very cold. Timely rains during spring and early summer. Warm August and cool September with quite contrasting temperatures between day and night. The grapes ripened slowly and with very good health. The harvest was scarce and of great quality.
After a very dry winter, spring was exceptionally rainy, necessitating much work in the vineyards. Summer was cool, delaying the harvest and permitting a suitably slow ripening of the grapes, which were then gathered at the optimum time to produce a quality vintage.
CAN FEIXES, representant vins tranquils, i HUGUET DE CAN FEIXES, representant Corpinnat, són dues marques diferenciades pertanyents a HUGUET DE CAN FEIXES S.L., elaborats amb raïms exclusivament cultivats en finca i gestionats orgànicament - 100% vinificat a la propietat.